Spencer Russell, Hugh Allen, Sheila Patterson, Helen Trebee, Stuart Taylor, Louie Wyatt, Marcus Millett, Catherine Brown, Mike Shakespeare, Howard Burnett, Gordon Folkard, Mike Hellier, Peter, Naz, Andrea Simpson, Chris Allen
Dave Hall
Howard apologized for not doing the intraclub handicap cup. He said he would try again. Mike Hellier offered to help.
Acceptance of previous minutes proposed by Howard Burnett. Approved by all.
Chairman: We had a successful year with a good membership and good attendance, especially during the summer, which doesn't always happen. We've also had some good socials.
Treasurer: The club made a deficit of £61 leaving a balance of £1684. It was discussed that the money book worked well.
Mixed Captain: We came fourth in the league, 1 point of third place..
Mens Captain: Howard would like to thank Richard for organising the matches. We came third, which is the best ever result.
Chariman Hugh Allen Proposed by Sheila Seconded by: Chris Allen
Treasurer: Stuart Taylor Proposed by Spencer Russell Seconded by: Howard Burnett
Secretary Spencer Russell Proposed by Andrea Simpson Seconded by: Marcus Millet
Fixture Secretary: Peter Hughes. Proposed by Sheila. Seconded by Naz.
Unanimously agreed.
It was agreed that Fees for 2010/11 will be as follows:
Annual Fees (1 September - 31 July) : £100. This can be paid in 2 halves, £50 by end of September PROMPTLY and £50 by end of January.
Winter Fees (1 September - 1 April) : £80
Visitors Fees: £4
Match Fees: £3
Under 18s played pay half price.
Unanimously agreed.
The team selection committee will be
Chairman (Hugh Allen), Secretary (Spencer Russell), Treasurer (Stuart Taylor), Sheila Patterson, Mike Hellier.
The committee was unanimously agreed.
It was agreed that we should try having 4 match practice nights on 9, 16, 23, 30 September. Spencer will send an invite in late August and anybody can apply to come. We will then ensure that we get 8 or 12 players for each night.
Howard will write an article to the Wells Journal to try and encourage new players to join.
The Trial period should should be at least 3 weeks. The committee should try to ensure there is a minimum level. The committee should be able to offer any rejected players other training alternatives.
The offer is noted. We will put a notice on the notice board called demonstration and advice. The player should ask Mike directly. Thanks from to committee to Mike.
Getting in a coach to run the 3 training sessions (7:30pm – 9: 30pm) on Thursdays 7 October, 4 November and 2 December. Ask the coach if it is good idea to have the first session on club night Monday 4 October 2010
Andrea has one DVD
Technique DVD is in the box
Simeon has the other Tactics DVD.
We received a letter from Mendip who now manages the barn. Tom Killen has promised to keep us involved.
Standard badminton rules should be obeyed, especially not walking across the back of the court whilst play is occurring. The money book should record accidents as well. There should be a club safety notice handed to new members.
Be considerate of the opponent when smashing at the front of the court.
It was agreed that we should get more shirts and sweatshirts.
Members of the club should seriously consider volunteering for this role
Care of shuttles. Each shuttle costs £1, so we should try to look after them. Good shuttles should be placed next to the net, cork up at the end of the game.
Andrea would like to warm up with good shuttles on match nights.
Hugh will move the notice board to the other side, so that it is lower.